Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sneak Peak

Here are some of the very thoughtful and sweet reviews that Gratitude Greens has gotten from my sister, my dad and author Renee Robinson who wrote the book Seeking Christmas which is available Here (They each got a sneak peak of the pre-published manuscript):

My dad:
Ever find the news reports, or the busyness of your life get you down? Ever feel like you're in a rut? This is a spiritually uplifting little book that could change your outlook on life.
This is a GREAT study on dealing with life challenges, big or small, and putting it all into perspective with the promises of God. The second half has a 30 day personal daily devotional for you. Get this book. You'll be glad you did!

My sister, Ginger: 
Gratitude Greens is an uplifting and encouraging book. A must read for all! The devotional is concise and relevant. A great way to start each day!

Renee Robinson: 
A sweet book that encourages the reader to shift their perspective. In daily life we find ourselves weighed down. Gratitude Greens gently lifts our chin back up and reminds us we serve a God far bigger than our problems. AD Masters does a beautiful job showing us how to change the way we view life by pointing us back to the Creator of the universe time and time again. Highly recommend!

An excerpt from Gratitude Greens:  

I believe God puts people in our lives to encourage us and to spur us on to all He wants for us.  He puts others in our path to be examples to us.  I want to continue to learn and grow into a woman God can use in someone else's life like he is using Laura in mine.  I would love to be that inspiration to someone, that example of who they want to be in Christ. 
            God may never give me the satisfaction of ever knowing if I am that person to someone, but He may.  My job is to strive to be that light to someone else, let God use me and trust that He is.  I don't have to reach a certain 'holiness' or perfection before I can be used by God.  He can use me right where I am today.
            God has a plan for each of us, and we need to know and believe that He is working that plan out in our life right now.  We may not see it clearly yet, but believe it, know it, celebrate it.  God is using you.  Are you willing?  Do you dare make yourself available to Him?  Please do.  It is what you were created for, and it will fill your deepest longings for significance. 

I can't wait until even more of you get to read Gratitude Greens and let me know what you think of it.  I hope it encourages many, many more! You can order your copy Here or wait until the Book Release Party at Grace Cafe on April 26 and get it there.  


  1. I ordered you book on Amazon and cant' wait! It was so wonderful to speak with you the other morning. Let's get together soon!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yay! I looked up your book, Contemplations on Life's Little Curveballs, and I will order it this week! Can't wait to read it, and we can compare notes! We will get together for coffee very soon!
