Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thoughts of the Seasons

Here is one of the essays I wrote during my recent writing class at Whatcom Community College. Definitely not my normal writing style, but I thought I would share it nonetheless.  Just for fun: 


            I almost never laugh when I’m alone. I am usually deep in thought, settled within the quietness of my own mind. But today I watched two dogs playing and suddenly felt a spring of laughter bubble up from my center. As they slapped their front paws repeatedly on the floor, raising their tail ends in a sort of dance-like language while simultaneously hopping backward over and over again, goading the other to join the dance. Today I laughed a hearty, joy-filled, playful laugh.


            In the early mornings, all is still and peaceful. The children are asleep, and the dogs are still in their crates. They seem to know this is a special time for me, as they don’t whine to be let out but instead wait patiently while I enjoy my time alone. Just one small lamp, a cup of hot coffee and my cozy plaid quilt.
            I sit quietly, looking out the window at the world slowly awakening. I read my Bible and get my heart and mind set right for the day. Over time, the sun rises, and my family seems to sense it’s time to rise. The quietness turns into a bustling and busy home, full of love, joy and expectations for the day to come.


            This morning at sunrise it dawns on me that the days are beginning to shorten once again. Soon it will be dark when I leave my home in the morning and dark when I return in the early evening.
            What is it about fall that makes me feel content and cared for? It’s the cocoon of our home engulfing and protecting the family within.
            Fall begins to close in on us, bringing us ever closer and ever safer. The harshness of the wind beats against the windows and sways the huge evergreens that tower over the neighborhood. Rain pelts the shingles, an ever present reminder of the heat radiating out from the wood burning stove. We are warm. We are safe. We are together, and we are content.
            I’ve always loved the late fall, how it seems to bring the family into the center and send all else into the periphery.


            I’m looking at a lone, single set of footprints trailing through the snow, the only disturbance in the otherwise glossy, smooth white blanket over the front yard. Soft white mounds of whipped cream where the bushes once were. Beauty, serenity, a sense of complete peace.
            And then sadness. It won’t stay this way. Soon, children will plow through the beautiful glossy frost. Bright red cheeks and gleeful cries of laughter. Dogs chasing them. Balls of snow and ice clinging to their damp coats. What a mess they will make. Wet and cold and smelling like sweat and dirt.
            Then I smile again. There will be joy and laughter and freedom. Messes can be cleaned, but snow days only come around once in a blue moon.

            Let them play. Let them joyfully cry out. Let them chase and let them run. The sounds of laughter are ringing in my ears. Happy, serene and beautiful.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This past weekend was Easter.  The church was packed, people sitting elbow to elbow in the seats and standing patiently at the back of the room. The overflow room was being used to its full capacity.
 Babies and young children were dressed in their Sunday best. The little girls' hair curled and bouncy and the boys in button up plaid shirts and pressed slacks.
People were smiling at each other, saying "Happy Easter" and letting each other pass by ahead of them without scowling.
The sanctuary was decorated with soft lights and a wooden cross symbolizing Christ's Crucifixion.
The music was lively and upbeat, singing God's praises and glorifying Him for the freedom and forgiveness He has given us.
The message was of hope, security and reverence.
But the vision I walked away with this past Easter Sunday, the most impactful part of it all was the alter call at the end of the service. Men and women, teenagers and young children, the crippled and the healthy raising their hands to symbolize their decision of faith. A sea of people walking toward the front of the alter to hear the true Message of Hope and Forgiveness.  Realizing they are nothing without God, but they are Everything with Him. New members of Christ's family, brothers and sisters with me.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'd Do It All Over Again

I'd do it all over again.  Have you ever said these words? Usually they are uttered after a difficult, life-altering event. It usually takes a period of time before we are able to see the benefits of our difficulties and realize that we came out stronger or more fulfilled by enduring them.  We recognize that all the pain and heartache we went through is what made us who we are today.

For example, mothers often say this after giving birth, no matter how difficult the pregnancy and labor happened to be. For some of them, it takes months or even a couple years to realize that they want to do it all over again. For others, the realization comes as early as the first time they hold their newborn baby in their arms.

Other people utter the words, "I'd do it all over again" after healing from a painful, broken relationship. They may have learned lessons and grown in amazing and significant ways through their hardships. Although most of us would never sign up knowingly for pain and suffering, we recognize after the fact that it was needed in order for us to get to where we are today.

One person that did choose to suffer, knowing full well how painful, lonely and humiliating it would be, was Jesus.

                                           HE CHOSE THE CROSS.

He knew the price. He endured the pain of his Heavenly Father turning his back on Him and forsaking Him.  He endured the pain of His own people cursing Him and mocking Him. And He wasn't the only one that suffered pain. Those He loved dearly: His mother, His disciples and His followers were uncertain and afraid. They grieved for Him, and He left the whole world a dark and hopeless place for three days.

But He chose to do it anyway, because He knew the end results would be well worth it. And He would do it all over again if He needed to.

Next time you're in pain, remember that God can bring so much good from it. Remember that He understands. Remember that He has been there too. As a matter of fact:

                          PAIN IS WHERE GOD DOES HIS BEST WORK.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sneak Peak

Here are some of the very thoughtful and sweet reviews that Gratitude Greens has gotten from my sister, my dad and author Renee Robinson who wrote the book Seeking Christmas which is available Here (They each got a sneak peak of the pre-published manuscript):

My dad:
Ever find the news reports, or the busyness of your life get you down? Ever feel like you're in a rut? This is a spiritually uplifting little book that could change your outlook on life.
This is a GREAT study on dealing with life challenges, big or small, and putting it all into perspective with the promises of God. The second half has a 30 day personal daily devotional for you. Get this book. You'll be glad you did!

My sister, Ginger: 
Gratitude Greens is an uplifting and encouraging book. A must read for all! The devotional is concise and relevant. A great way to start each day!

Renee Robinson: 
A sweet book that encourages the reader to shift their perspective. In daily life we find ourselves weighed down. Gratitude Greens gently lifts our chin back up and reminds us we serve a God far bigger than our problems. AD Masters does a beautiful job showing us how to change the way we view life by pointing us back to the Creator of the universe time and time again. Highly recommend!

An excerpt from Gratitude Greens:  

I believe God puts people in our lives to encourage us and to spur us on to all He wants for us.  He puts others in our path to be examples to us.  I want to continue to learn and grow into a woman God can use in someone else's life like he is using Laura in mine.  I would love to be that inspiration to someone, that example of who they want to be in Christ. 
            God may never give me the satisfaction of ever knowing if I am that person to someone, but He may.  My job is to strive to be that light to someone else, let God use me and trust that He is.  I don't have to reach a certain 'holiness' or perfection before I can be used by God.  He can use me right where I am today.
            God has a plan for each of us, and we need to know and believe that He is working that plan out in our life right now.  We may not see it clearly yet, but believe it, know it, celebrate it.  God is using you.  Are you willing?  Do you dare make yourself available to Him?  Please do.  It is what you were created for, and it will fill your deepest longings for significance. 

I can't wait until even more of you get to read Gratitude Greens and let me know what you think of it.  I hope it encourages many, many more! You can order your copy Here or wait until the Book Release Party at Grace Cafe on April 26 and get it there.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

All In The Family---Let's Party!

The Handout
 My family and I have been busy planning my book release party, and I couldn't do it without any of them!  I asked my son to take the picture of my book cover, the vital information about the party and come up with two things: Hand-outs/invites to the party and a poster to put up at local churches and small businesses.  This is what he came up with, and I am so proud of his talents-he's amazing with a computer (and very artistic, too).

The Poster

The rest of my family: husband, sisters, and mom and dad have been busy planning out the fun details of the book release party. It will be on Saturday, April 26 from 10:30 to 1:00 at Grace Cafe in Bellingham. It's an open house format, so feel free to come and go as you want, and please bring a friend. There will be coffee, tea and light refreshments provided, and if you want to have lunch, Grace Cafe has great sandwiches, bagels, and lots of other yummy coffees and treats to purchase. We will have raffle drawings and plenty of copies of Gratitude Greens to purchase and have signed. And don't forget Mother's Day is coming up, and a nice encouraging book might be just the thing Mom wants!
Anyway, I really hope to see all my friends and family there as well as many others who were invited or just heard about it (free food anyone?)  Spread the news and hope to see you all there!~

Gratitude Greens is  now on and as well as  Check it out!